Monday, March 28, 2011

Google Reader

RSS Readers  (allow you to subscribe to any site with rss)

Google Reader was discontinued by Google in July of 2013.  There are a variety of alternatives including Feedly, Bloglines, TheOldReader, and more (listed here).

Google reader allows you to view an unlimited number of blogs (or any sites with an RSS feed)  on one page.

To access Google Reader, go to or click on 'reader' from your gmail. 

To subscribe to a specific blog, click 'add a subscription', paste the address of the blog and 'Add'.

You can subscribe to  multiple blogs at one time by importing an .opml file.  To do so, click the gear and Reader settings.

Click import/export.  I have created an opml file with all Fall2012 TTP blogs, as well as categories for EFL Blogs, Bloggers in Korea, & General Tech.  Save this file by going to:
and clicking 'Download'. 

Then browse to find it on your computer and 'upload'.

When that's done 'Back to Google Reader'

By clicking Feed settings, you can then categorize, unsubscribe, or rename individual feeds. You can also choose to list (titles only) or expand blog posts or get suggestions for other similar blogs (more like this).

By clicking on a category and then Folder settings, you can  rename, delete, unsubscribe, or find more blogs like those in the folder.

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