Sunday, May 10, 2020

Week#11 - Video Production & Copyright-friendly Media

Michael Wesch is a professor of cultural anthropology at Kansas State University.   I first became aware of his YouTube videos in 2007 when I was webcasting away at EdTechTalk.  They look ancient now, but at the time, his 'The Machine is Us/ing Us and A Vision of Students Today were pretty cutting edge. 

In any event, he just published a video with some useful ideas and resources for teachers who are producing videos for online learning.

I encourage you to check out (at least the first seven minutes) of
What Professors Can Learn from YouTubers

Our goal this week:  Gather some 'go to' sites for finding copyright-friendly materials that can be used in our teaching - online and off. Please check out and review some of the sites below and suggest others by commenting.

Copyright-friendly sources of video, audio, & images mentioned in his video
Sites mentioned in's Copyright & Fair Use for Educators 



Friday, May 8, 2020

Reference, Grammar Checkers, and Text Analyzers

Sentence Analyzers

Grammar Checkers

Other Reference Tools

General Service List
The original General Service List o2000 words was created in 1953 by Michael West and this is used by most graded readers in the development of their level system.
This list includes the list of 300 sight words which cover 50~70% of most texts.
(Dolch Sight WordAbout   Word Lists)

The New General Service Lisis an updated version that includes 2818 words. It is a "list of the most important high-frequency words useful for second language learners of English, ones which gives the highest possible coverage of English texts with the fewest words possible."

NGSL Quizlets
50 word blocks here
100 word blocks here
560 word blocks here
    • The most common vocabulary size for foreign test-takers is 4,500 words
    • Foreign test-takers tend to reach over 10,000 words by living abroad
    • Foreign test-takers learn 2.5 new words a day while living in an English-speaking country

    Monday, May 4, 2020

    Week#10 TW/TILL To Do Lists

    The 'Already Done' (hopefully) List

    TILL Skills

    Currently Serving...

    • Use Diigo to bookmark sites of interest from the audio and video guides.
    • Use a screencapture tool like Debut, Screencastify, Zoom, Ocam, or Screencast-o-matic to record a screencast and post it to YouTube or your blog.
    • Register at, create a Voki chatbot, and post it on your blog.
    • Voki Screencast Guide here
    • Create an mp3 file and post and embed it on your blog. 
    • This can be your voice recorded with Audacity or a text to speech recording of something like ‘Hey Jeff, I know how to make an audio recording of a 'text to speech' sentence. Pretty cool, eh?” (see Audio Guide)
    Earlier Trips to the Buffet
    On the Horizon Tasks