An open content Computer Assisted Language Learning course offered by the Teacher Training Program at Pusan University of Foreign Studies in Busan, Korea
Explore some of the ELT groups and communities on Google+, Facebook, Instagram, Diigo, LinkedIn, and elsewhere . Add additional communities and or accounts to the TILL Group Notes.
Join ones of interest, bookmark them with Diigo, and/or create a blog post about any interesting discoveries.
We will do this in class together, but if you have any additional questions, you can watch the screencast below. In order to get things set up, you will need to download the TTP2018 opml file
Step#4: Click Choose OPML file and find the file you downloaded.
Slightly outdated screencast guide
Please create a blog post about and/or including some of the things you've found via Feedly.
Blog Tweaking
- make sure your blog language is set to Englishscreenshotand - that you've chosen a 'simple, 'awesome', or 'notable' theme screenshot From Last Week
Add useful vocabulary your learned in Canada to the Overseas Quizlet (password: timhorton)
Add photos that would be helpful to future trainees (related to logistics, classroom environment, etc.) to theTTP 2018 Overseas Albums (ElementarySecondary) or post them to the Band if you prefer
Create a short blog post about your overseas experience. It can be a simple as a photo or a restaurant tip.
Add photos that would be helpful to future trainees (related to logistics, classroom environment, etc.) to theTTP 2018 Overseas Albums (ElementarySecondary) or post them to the Band if you prefer
Create a short blog post about your overseas experience. It can be a simple as a photo or a restaurant tip.
While you're there, please... - make sure your blog language is set to Englishscreenshotand - that you've chosen a 'simple, 'awesome', or 'notable' theme screenshot
Other 'Return to Korea' checklist items
Add your wisdom to the Advice for future trainees docs: ElementarySecondary (please include requests for overseas organizers and unexpected questions you were asked)
Transfer Training Program notes to Overseas Group Notes: GreenBlueRed